Guide for authors

Articles are published in the Russian language; the summary is given in Russian and in English. To publish the article, the author should send to the editorial board the application addressed to the chief editor of the journal; the opinion letter of the Committee of Biomedical Ethics (for experimental and clinical works), the manuscript with the signature of all the authors; the information about authors (the position, postgraduate degree and academic rank, the place of work and its address, e-mail); the information about the author who is responsible for the correspondence with the editorial board.
Only original articles can be submitted to publication, they should be done at the modern methodic and methodological level and based on ethical principles of conducting medical studies with the participation of man and experimental animals.
All the manuscripts submitted to the editorial board are subject to independent peer reviewing, the original of the documents is kept in the editorial office. The editorial board sends reviews to authors in e-form. The reviews are kept in the editorial office for three years.
If the review has some instructions to correct the manuscript, then they are sent to the author for correction. The manuscript sent to the author for correction must be sent back corrected at the shortest period of time. The letter of the authors with the answers to all the remarks made in the manuscript should be enclosed to the corrected manuscript. The corrected manuscript if necessary is sent to peer reviewing again. The manuscript which has to be corrected after peer reviewing is not subject to publication if it is not sent back to the editorial board for more than 6 months.
If the author does not agree with the opinion of the reviewer, he/she has the right to send to the editorial board the argumentative answer. By the decision of the editorial board the manuscript can be sent for the second peer reviewing to another expert.
The editorial board has the right to change the manuscript the way it does not modify its general and specific purpose (literature and technical correction).
It is forbidden to send to the editorial board those articles which have already been published and have been sent to other journals. The manuscripts that do not meet the specified Guide for Authors are not considered by the editorial board. The author's fees are not paid. The manuscripts and electronic versions of information are not sent back to authors. The corrected manuscript is sent for checking by e-mail.
Manuscripts "Guidelines for Authors," the editorial board are not considered. Royalties are not paid. Manuscripts and electronic media will not be returned. Proofread sent for verification email.
While writing the manuscript, the author should follow the plan: initial letters of the name and patronymic name, the surname of the author of the article; the full official name of the institution where the work has been done; the Summary and Key words in Russian and English; Introduction; Materials & Methods; Results; Discussion; Conclusion; References. The manuscript itself should be typed with interline 1.0 and margins 2 cm, text size 10 pt, Times New Roman. The Summary both in English and in Russian is reasonable to present following the composition of the article in a shortened manner, including the Aim, Methods, Results and Conclusion. The acronyms and icons can be used by way of exception or their definitions are presented after the first mentioning. The Summary both in Russian and English should be in the range of 150-250 words.
All abbreviations in the manuscript should be explained. No more than 3-5 untraditional acronyms for difficult terms and names often used in the text can be in the manuscript. The tables must be done in Microsoft Word. The chemical formulas and schemes from them should be done in the corresponding redactor. The illustrative material should be minimal. The figures in the electronic form should be given in the text of the article and should be done in the redactor in which they were formed so that the editors could correct them if necessary. The cut line with the information about the figure is obligatory. In the cut line to micropictures it is necessary to point the painting method and magnification. The reference list must be short but contain the references to all important publications about the problem. The original articles can have references to no more than 15 sources, in reviews to no more than 60.
The manuscript should be submitted in the electronic form or by e-mail.
The address of the editorial board: 22, Kalinina Street, Blagoveshchensk, 675000, Far-Eastern Scientific Center of Physiology and Pathology of Respiration of the Siberian Branch of RAMS. Phone/Fax – +7-4162-77-28-00, 77-28-07, e-mail:
The cost of the publication under plan is 1500 rubles (the editorial expenses of the article publication). The payment should be done after the manuscript gets a positive review. The decision about the reasonability of the publication is taken by the editorial board on the ground of expertise presented by reviewers. If the article is recommended to publication, the contract and the payment receipt are sent to the author. When the payment is done, the article is published in the period stipulated in the contract.
The journal is not sent to the author. To obtain the journal with the published article, the author has to pay its cost having sent an inquiry beforehand.
The materials of the journal can be found in the Internet by the following address: (Bulletin) and in the server The subscription index in the integrated catalogue "Rospechat" is 18454.

Faithfully yours, the editors of the journal "Bulletin of Physiology and Pathology of Respiration".
